A Realm Reborn Tribes
Elbst Mount
Tribal type: Combat
Currency: Rainbowtide Psashp
In order to unlock Sahagin daily quests, players must have completed the level 41 main scenario quest In Pursuit of the Past. At level 44, they can take the quest They Came from the Deep from R'ashaht Rhiki at Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (x13, y12).
The Sahagin starts off at Neutral rank and maxes out at Trusted rank. However, once you complete the Allied Beast Tribe quests, they will automatically be upgraded to Allied along with all other ARR beast tribes.
Shop - Rainbowtide Psashp
Item Name - Rank - Cost
Lilac Purple Dye - Recognized - 1
Corpse Blue Dye - Recognized - 1
Lavender Purple Dye - Recognized - 1
Coral Pink Dye - Friendly - 1
Rhotano Blue Dye - Friendly - 1
Shadow Blue Dye - Friendly - 1
Iris Purple Dye - Friendly - 1
Glamour Dispeller - Trusted - 1
Sahagin Living Lamp - Trusted - 1
Sahagin Hanging Larder - Trusted - 1
Venture - Neutral - 1
Unidentifiable Shell - Neutral - 3
Shop - Gil
Item Name - Rank - Cost
Lilac Purple Dye - Recognized - 216
Corpse Blue Dye - Recognized - 216
Lavender Purple Dye - Recognized - 216
Coral Pink Dye - Friendly - 334
Rhotano Blue Dye - Friendly - 334
Shadow Blue Dye - Friendly - 334
Iris Purple Dye - Friendly - 334
Glamour Dispeller - Trusted - 500
Elbst Horn - Trusted - 120000
Wind-up Sahagin - Trusted - 25000
Sahagin Living Lamp - Trusted - 26136
Sahagin Hanging Larder - Trusted - 21780
Wind-up Sea Devil - Allied - 25000
Bomb Palanquin Mount
Tribal type: Combat
Currency: Titan Cobaltpiece
In order to unlock Kobold daily quests, players must have completed the level 41 main scenario quest In Pursuit of the Past. At level 41, they can take the quest Highway Robbert from Trachraet at Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (x12.7, y12.8).
The Kobold starts off at Neutral rank and maxes out at Trusted rank. However, once you complete the Allied Beast Tribe quests, they will automatically be upgraded to Allied along with all other ARR beast tribes.
Shop - Titan Cobaltpiece
Item Name - Rank - Cost
Ul Brown Dye - Recognized - 1
Sylph Green Dye - Recognized - 1
Meadow Green Dye - Recognized - 1
Cork Brown Dye - Friendly - 1
Gobbiebag Brown Dye - Friendly - 1
Apple Green Dye - Friendly - 1
Adamantoise Green Dye - Friendly - 1
Glamour Dispeller - Trusted - 1
Automaton Digger - Trusted - 1
Kobold Furnace - Trusted - 1
Venture - Neutral - 1
Unidentifiable Ore - Neutral - 3
Shop - Gil
Item Name - Rank - Cost
Ul Brown Dye - Recognized - 216
Sylph Green Dye - Recognized - 216
Meadow Green Dye - Recognized - 216
Cork Brown Dye - Friendly - 334
Gobbiebag Brown Dye - Friendly - 334
Apple Green Dye - Friendly - 334
Adamantoise Green Dye - Friendly - 334
Glamour Dispeller - Trusted - 500
Bomb Palanquin Horn - Trusted - 120000
Wind-up Kobold - Trusted - 25000
Automaton Digger - Trusted - 26136
Kobold Furnace - Trusted - 21780
Wind-up Kobolder - Allied - 25000
Laurel Goobbue Mount
Tribal type: Combat
Currency: Sylphic Goldleaf
In order to unlock Sylph daily quests, players must have completed the level 41 main scenario quest In Pursuit of the Past. At level 42, they can take the quest Seeking Solace from Vorsaile Heuloix at New Gridania (x9.7, x11.1).
The Sylph starts off at Neutral rank and maxes out at Trusted rank. However, once you complete the Allied Beast Tribe quests, they will automatically be upgraded to Allied along with all other ARR beast tribes.
Shop - Sylphic Goldleaf
Item Name - Rank - Cost
Aldgoat Brown Dye - Recognized - 1
Shale Brown Dye - Recognized - 1
Lime Green Dye - Recognized - 1
Marsh Green Dye - Recognized - 1
Qiqirn Brown Dye - Friendly - 1
Acorn Brown Dye - Friendly - 1
Cactuar Green Dye - Friendly - 1
Turquoise Green Dye - Friendly - 1
Flibbertigibbet Orchestrion Roll - Friendly - 3
Glamour Dispeller - Trusted - 1
Sylphic Lamppost - Trusted - 1
Sylphic Lamp Tree - Trusted - 1
Venture - Neutral - 1
Unidentifiable Seeds - Neutral - 3
Shop - Gil
Item Name - Rank - Cost
Aldgoat Brown Dye - Recognized - 216
Shale Brown Dye - Recognized - 216
Lime Green Dye - Recognized - 216
Marsh Green Dye - Recognized - 216
Qiqirn Brown Dye - Friendly - 334
Acorn Brown Dye - Friendly - 334
Cactuar Green Dye - Friendly - 334
Turquoise Green Dye - Friendly - 334
Glamour Dispeller - Trusted - 500
Wind-up Sylph - Trusted - 25000
Laurel Goobbue Horn - Trusted - 120000
Sylphic Lamp Tree - Trusted - 26136
Sylphic Lamppost - Trusted - 21780
Wind-up Violet - Allied - 25000
Calvary Drake Mount
Tribal type: Combat
Currency: Steel Amalj'ok
In order to unlock Amalj'aa daily quests, players must have completed the level 41 main scenario quest In Pursuit of the Past. At level 43, they can take the quest Peace for Thanalan from Swift at Ul'dah - Steps of Nald (x8.4, y8.9).
The Amalj'aa starts off at Neutral rank and maxes out at Trusted rank. However, once you complete the Allied Beast Tribe quests, they will automatically be upgraded to Allied along with all other ARR beast tribes.
Shop - Steel Amalj'ok
Item Name - Rank - Cost
Coeurl Yellow Dye - Recognized - 1
Seafog Blue Dye - Recognized - 1
Raptor Blue Dye - Recognized - 1
Raisin Brown Dye - Friendly - 1
Peacock Blue Dye - Friendly - 1
Currant Purple Dye - Friendly - 1
Smoulder Orchestrion Roll - Friendly - 3
Glamour Dispeller - Trusted - 1
Amalj'aa Supply Carriage - Trusted - 1
Amalj'aa Pavis Shield - Trusted - 1
Venture - Neutral - 1
Unidentifiable Bone - Neutral - 3
Shop - Gil
Item Name - Rank - Cost
Coeurl Yellow Dye - Recognized - 216
Seafog Blue Dye - Recognized - 216
Raptor Blue Dye - Recognized - 216
Raisin Brown Dye - Friendly - 334
Peacock Blue Dye - Friendly - 334
Currant Purple Dye - Friendly - 334
Glamour Dispeller - Trusted - 500
Wind-up Amalj'aa - Trusted - 25000
Drake Horn - Trusted - 120000
Amalj'aa Supply Carriage - Trusted - 26136
Amalj'aa Pavis Shield - Trusted - 21780
Wind-up Founder - Allied - 25000
Direwolf Mount
Tribal type: Crafting & Gathering
Currency: Ixali Oaknot
In order to unlock Ixali daily quests, players must have completed the level 41 main scenario quest In Pursuit of the Past. Afterwards, they can take the quest A Bad Bladder from Scarlet in New Gridania (x9.9, y11.4).
The Ixali starts off at Neutral rank and maxes out at Sworn rank. However, once you complete the Allied Beast Tribe quests, they will automatically be upgraded to Allied along with all other ARR beast tribes.
Shop - Ixali Oaknot
Item Name - Rank - Cost
Cooking Sherry - Respected - 20
Filtered Water - Respected - 20
Voidsent Blood - Respected - 20
Coke - Respected - 2
Animal Fat - Respected - 2
Hardened Sap - Respected - 2
Potash - Respected - 2
Lime Sulphur - Respected - 2
Aqueous Whetstone - Respected - 2
Peacock Ore - Respected - 2
Minium - Respected - 2
Gatherer's Guerdon Materia I - Respected - 5
Gatherer's Guerdon Materia II - Respected - 3
Gatherer's Guerdon Materia III - Respected - 1
Gatherer's Guile Materia I - Respected - 5
Gatherer's Guile Materia II - Respected - 3
Gatherer's Guile Materia III - Respected - 1
Gatherer's Grasp Materia I - Respected - 5
Gatherer's Grasp Materia II - Respected - 3
Gatherer's Grasp Materia III - Respected - 1
Craftsman's Competence Materia I - Respected - 5
Craftsman's Competence Materia II - Respected - 3
Craftsman's Competence Materia III - Respected - 1
Craftsman's Cunning Materia I - Respected - 5
Craftsman's Cunning Materia II - Respected - 3
Craftsman's Cunning Materia III - Respected - 1
Craftsman's Command Materia I - Respected - 5
Craftsman's Command Materia II - Respected - 3
Craftsman's Command Materia III - Respected - 1
Petrified Log - Sworn - 1
Scheelite - Sworn - 1
Raziqsand - Sworn - 1
Saurian Skin - Sworn - 1
Cashmere Fleece - Sworn - 1
Emery - Sworn - 1
Tawny Latex - Sworn - 1
Star Anise - Sworn - 10
Dalamud Popoto - Sworn - 10
Royal Kukuru Bean - Sworn - 10
Canard Breast - Sworn - 10
Ehcatl Smithing Gloves - Sworn - 1
Quick-hardening Sealant - Sworn - 1
Xelphatol Spring Water - Sworn - 1
Shop - Gil
Item Name - Rank - Cost
Hunter Green Dye - Friendly - 216
Morbol Green Dye - Friendly - 216
Royal Blue Dye - Friendly - 216
Snow White Dye - Respected - 216
Soot Black Dye - Respected - 216
Glamour Dispeller - Sworn - 500
Wind-up Ixal - Sworn - 25000
Ixali Shelter - Sworn - 26.136
Ixali Banner - Sworn - 21780
Direwolf Whistle - Sworn - 120000
Wind-up Dezul Qualan - Allied - 25000