Shadowbringers Tribes
Portly Porxy Mount
Tribal type: Combat
Currency: Fae Fancy
In order to unlock Pixie daily quests, players must have completed the level 73 main scenario quest The Wheel Turns. They can then take the quest Manic Pixie Dream Realm from the Pink Pixie in The Crystarium (x13.1, y15.3).
The Pixie starts off at Friendly rank and maxes out at Bloodsworn rank. As there are no Allied Beast Tribe quests in Shadowbringers, there is no higher rank that can be acquired.
Shop - Fae Fancy
Item Name - Rank - Cost
Savage Aim Materia VII - Friendly - 3
Savage Aim Materia VIII - Friendly - 6
Savage Might Materia VII - Friendly - 3
Savage Might Materia VIII - Friendly - 6
Heavens' Eye Materia VII - Friendly - 3
Heavens' Eye Materia VIII - Friendly - 6
Quickarm Materia VII - Friendly - 3
Quickarm Materia VIII - Friendly - 6
Quicktongue Materia VII - Friendly - 3
Quicktongue Materia VIII - Friendly - 6
Battledance Materia VII - Friendly - 3
Battledance Materia VIII - Friendly - 6
Piety Materia VII - Friendly - 3
Piety Materia VIII - Friendly - 6
Wind-up Pixie - Honored - 8
Portly Porxie Horn - Sworn - 18
Il Mheg Flower Lamp - Bloodsworn - 8
The Garden's Gates Orchestrion Roll - Bloodsworn - 6
Macaron Cushion - Trusted - 3
Stuffed Porxie - Respected - 5
Kongamato Mount
Tribal type: Gathering
Currency: Qitari Compliment
In order to unlock Qitari daily quests, players must have completed the level 74 main scenario quest An Unwanted Proposal. In addition, they need to complete two separate sidequest chains. First, players must complete quests starting from Valan at The Rak'tika Greatwood (x19.8, y27.6), the first of which unlocks an Aether Current.
The Great Deceiver
Slither Along
Snake the Lead
Snakes in the Grass
Next, players must complete quests starting from Lanille at The Rak'tika Greatwood (x31.3, y16.9), the first of which unlocks an Aether Current.
Stand on Ceremony
Seeing Eye to Eye
Mending Fences
Hearts as One
Completing both of these quest chains will unlock the quest Protectors of the Wood from Phyna in The Rak'tika Greatwood (x30.7, y20.2). Completing this quest will unlock the quest The Stewards of Note from the Concerned Mother in the Rak'tika Greatwood (x21.0, y27.6). This quest will unlock the Qitari beast tribe!
The Qitari starts off at Friendly rank and maxes out at Bloodsworn rank. As there are no Allied Beast Tribe quests in Shadowbringers, there is no higher rank that can be acquired.
Shop - Qitari Compliment
Item Name - Rank - Cost
Gatherer's Guerdon Materia VII - Friendly - 3
Gatherer's Guerdon Materia VIII - Friendly - 9
Gatherer's Guile Materia VII - Friendly - 3
Gatherer's Guile Materia VIII - Friendly - 9
Gatherer's Grasp Materia VII - Friendly - 3
Gatherer's Grasp Materia VIII - Friendly - 9
The Behelmeted Serpent of Ronka - Trusted - 8
Aged Oak Log - Respected - 5
Hopl's Dropple Orchestrion Roll - Honored - 6
Ronkan Flute - Sworn - 18
The Behatted Serpent of Ronka - Bloodsworn - 8
Rolling Tankard Mount
Tribal type: Crafting
Currency: Hammered Frogment
In order to unlock Dwarf daily quests, players must have completed the level 78 main scenario quest Meet the Tholls. In addition, they need to complete two separate sidequest chains. First, players must complete quests from Eueliss in Kholusia (x15.3, y28.6), the first of which unlocks an Aether Current.
Village of Woe
Talos, Interrupted
The Cape in Bloom
Wright for the Job
After progressing in the MSQ further, players unlock the questline from Beott in Kholusia (x12.4, y9.2). This is also an Aether Current quest. Learning to Lali-ho will unlock the Lali-ho emote as well!
A Disagreeable Dwarf
Almost a Friend
A Practiced Greeting
Learning to Lali-ho
Ronitt to the Rescue
Finally, players can take the quest It's Dwarfin' Time from the Affable Townsdwarf in Kholusia (x15.7, y30.3) to unlock the Dwarf beast tribe!
The Dwarves starts off at Friendly rank and maxes out at Bloodsworn rank. As there are no Allied Beast Tribe quests in Shadowbringers, there is no higher rank that can be acquired.
Shop - Hammered Frogment
Item Name - Rank - Cost
Craftsman's Competence Materia VII - Friendly - 3
Craftsman's Competence Materia VIII - Friendly - 9
Craftsman's Cunning Materia VII - Friendly - 3
Craftsman's Cunning Materia VIII - Friendly - 9
Craftsman's Command Materia VII - Friendly - 3
Craftsman's Command Materia VIII - Friendly - 9
Slithersand - Friendly - 1
Lalinator 5.H0 - Trusted - 8
Watts's Anvil Orchestrion Roll - Honored - 6
Rolling Tankard Ignition Key - Sworn - 18
Ballroom Etiquette - The Lali Hop - Bloodsworn - 8